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Version History

Version | Description

1.0.0 | Sandhya Bitla | Updated the get balances resource for PA with few headers and sample example.

1.0.1 | Sandhya Bitla | Updated the /bucket resource for BOT-CWC-getDetailedBalance intent with the respective sample example.

1.0.10 | Satish Kannayagari | Added the /balanceActionHistory resource for Jamaica BU with the respective sample example.

1.0.11 | Sandhya Bitla | Added the /topupBalance resource for Jamaica BU with the respective sample example.

1.0.12 | Sandhya Bitla | Added '@type' queryParam in /bucket resource to route to different BSS as part of getDetailedBalance and getRealTimeBalances for CWC

1.0.13 | Gopal Katakam | Added the below resources from 'prepay-balance-management-biz' api to in this api as in feature we are not going to use the 'prepay-balance-management-biz'.

  • GET /bucket/{id}
  • GET /topupBalance
  • POST /reserveBalance
  • POST /adjustBalance
  • GET /adjustBalance

1.0.14 | Sandhya Bitla | Updated '@type' queryParam as enum value in /bucket resource to route to different BSS as part of getDetailedBalance and getRealTimeBalances for CWC

1.0.18 | Sandhya Bitla | Updated date time format in sample example for /bucket resource as suggested by Edilberto and Jesus.

1.0.22 | Raja Sekhar Gowravarapu | Removed dispalyBalance and displayDate nontmf fileds in example for /bucket resource and updated sample response from payment.@referredType:'transactionId' to payment.@referredType:'Payment' in POST topupBalance as suggested by Yamileth.

1.0.29 | Sandhya Bitla | Updated "" queryParam as mandatory field in GET: /bucket.

1.0.30 | Sandhya Bitla | Revereted "" queryParam as mandatory field change in GET: /bucket.

1.0.31 | Gopal Katakam | Added sample response payload under get:/bucket resource for Peacock project requirement
